Beyond #metoo – addressing sexual harassment in the workplace

Bianca Seeto, Partner and Executive Manager at Citation Legal, discusses sexual harassment complaints post #metoo, and balancing justice over PR wins when addressing these complaints in the workplace.
Beyond #metoo –  addressing sexual harassment in the workplace

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, a glaring spotlight has been cast upon sexual harassment in the workplace. Individuals have been inspired to come forward with their experiences, resulting in a seismic shift in the way society perceives and addresses sexual harassment.

Unfortunately, despite this societal shift, sexual harassment continues to be a prevalent issue in Australian workplaces. According to the Australian Human Rights Commission, 39 per cent of women and 26 per cent of men have experienced sexual harassment at work. The toll of sexual harassment is devastating, with victims often enduring emotional distress, anxiety, and a decline in job satisfaction, while organisations face reputational damage and decreased productivity

A comprehensive and proactive approach to addressing these issues is essential to protect the well-being of individuals and maintain a healthy workplace culture. Additionally, recent legislative changes to our federal Sex Discrimination Laws mean there’s not only a moral obligation but a legal obligation on organisations to eliminate sexual harassment, where reasonably practicable.

Want to read more? You can read the full version of this article (and more!) by downloading the latest edition of our annual Workplace Relations Review here.

About our author

Bianca Seeto is Executive Manager of Citation Legal (including Citation Migration) as well as a Partner. Bianca is an Accredited Specialist in workplace relations law and currently sits on the Workplace Relations Specialist Accreditation Committee for the Queensland Law Society. Bianca has been providing clients with industrial relations and employment law advice for close to two decades and has special expertise in advising clients operating in the retail sector.

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