If you take safety at work seriously (and you should) then you need to have an effective and comprehensive WHS Management Plan.
Under the WHS Act, you have the primary responsibly to ensure a safe work environment for both your own workers and any other person on the site. You need to be able to demonstrate your commitment to making safety your number one priority, and ensure that those around you understand their health and safety responsibilities.
What is a WHS Management Plan?
A WHS Management Plan is a detailed plan outlining specific risks for work undertaken on a particular site and what (if any) steps are in place to eliminate or control such risks.
Do I need a WHS Management Plan?
Yes. If you are the principal contractor for a construction project, you generally have an obligation under the WHS Act and the WHS Regulations to prepare and implement a WHS Management Plan. You also generally have an obligation to review and revise the WHS Management Plan to ensure that it remains up-to-date.
Even where you’re not obliged at law to have one in place, a WHS Management Plan allows you to demonstrate your commitment to making safety your number one priority, and helps to ensure that those around you understand their health and safety responsibilities.
What should be included in a WHS Management Plan?
Under the WHS Act and the WHS Regulations, a WHS Management Plan must generally include the following:
- The names, positions and health and safety responsibilities of all persons at the workplace whose positions or roles involve specific health and safety responsibilities in connection with the project.
- The arrangements in place, between any persons conducting a business or undertaking at the workplace where the construction project is being undertaken, for consultation, co-operation and the co-ordination of activities in relation to compliance with their duties under the Act and this Regulation.
- The arrangements in place for managing any work health and safety incidents that occur.
- Any site-specific health and safety rules, and the arrangements for ensuring that all persons at the workplace are informed of these rules.
- The arrangements for the collection and any assessment, monitoring and review of safe work method statements at the workplace.
Citation Safety can help
Australia’s workplace laws are complex and confusing which can make it hard to know if you’re doing everything right when it comes to WHS. Thats where we come in. We give you the tools, technology, advice and support you need to build a positive safety culture in your workplace through our WHS Software and around-the-clock Safety Advice Line.