Annual Leave

Annual leave allows employees to have some much needed R&R and can be accessed at any time by agreement between the employee and employer.
Termination payments

What do you, as an employer have to pay when an employment ends?
Pee there or be square. Does refusing a drug or alcohol test lead to dismissal?

What happens when an employee refuses a request to submit a urine sample under their employer’s drug and alcohol testing policy?
VIDEO: Managing psychological hazards: your role as an employer

Safety in Australian workplaces isn’t just about physical health – our nation’s strict Work Health and Safety laws mandate that employers also ensure employee’s psychological well-being. Safe Work Australia’s latest …
Stay on track with this expert HR roadmap

Are you new to running a business or too busy to keep up with ever-changing legislation? Australia’s workplace laws are complex, and it’s easy to unintentionally break the rules. No …
An employers guide to sick leave

Personal or carer’s leave is an entitlement of all full-time and part-time employees.
Worried about underpayment claims? Invest in an efficient payroll system

The FWO and the Australian Government are taking a special interest in policing wage underpayment and are upping their enforcement in this area. That’s why investing in an efficient payroll …
What is Annual Leave Loading?

Annual leave loading is a lesser-known entitlement for Australian workers covered by certain Modern Awards and Enterprise Agreements.
An employer’s guide to long service leave

Every State and Territory has legislation outlining long service leave. It’s largely the same, but there are important differences that employers need to know.
The fine line between wage deductions and wage theft

What are wage deductions? This question is one our workplace relations experts get frequently via our 24/7 HR Advice Line, and here our experts answer it.