Today, Citation HR is thrilled to announce the launch of its newest innovation – an online training tool designed to boost employee engagement and safeguard businesses – Compliance Training Centre.
Our Compliance Training Centre is an online learning solution, and an additional feature inside Citation HR Software, which houses a range of courses that have been curated by a team of workplace relations experts. Courses are available for varying levels within a business, including employees, line managers, and WHS officers, each addressing the unique learning needs and objectives of each user.
Head of Workplace Relations & Enterprise Solutions, Wes O’Donnell described the new product as an extra layer of protection for businesses, while empowering and educating employees, and said: “The Compliance Training Centre not only supports businesses in achieving and maintaining high compliance standards, but it also seamlessly integrates with and enhances the services Citation HR already provides our clients.
“Bringing our Compliance Training Centre to life required the combined skills, knowledge, and unwavering dedication of our entire Citation Group team. Our vision was to revolutionise the way our clients approach workplace training, and we’ve done that and more”.
Reflecting on the evolution of the Compliance Training Centre, O’Donnell says, “The first steps towards the product were initially taken in May 2023, when our team developed seven modules to help clients comply with the positive duty requirements.”
In 2022, the passing of the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Act 2022 enshrined ‘Positive Duty’ into Australia’s Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) framework. The law now requires every business to do all they reasonably can to prevent sexual harassment from occurring in the workplace.
O’Donnell added, “Over 700 of our clients’ businesses have deployed our sexual harassment modules, equating to 10,000 employees who have completed the training – this has assisted our clients in addressing their positive duty obligations and promoting awareness of respectful workplace conduct among their people. We received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from our clients which highlighted the need for a solid training solution.
“The expansion of our modules into a product exemplifies our commitment to supporting our clients not only in achieving compliance, but also staying compliant. Our platform’s dynamic nature enables our team of employment law experts to update and deploy timely training solutions addressing new legislative requirements promptly.”
Ready to take your training to the next level?
If you’re an existing client of Citation HR, please contact our team to discuss how we can further support your training and development objectives.
Not a client and interested in learning more about strengthening your workplace compliance? Talk to the friendly team at Citation HR today for a no-obligation consultation call.