The risk of sham contracting: independent contractors vs. employees
The reality is that dealing with independent contractors is tricky, and the line between employees and contractors is often blurred.
Is redundancy a genuine risk?
Making an employee, or a group of employees redundant is never an easy process, so how do businesses ensure that the redundancy is genuine?
Blowing the whistle: is your business at risk of being dobbed in?
When an alarmed employee blows the whistle to publicly reveal wrongdoing at a company, it’s not something that a powerful business can quash by lawyering-up.
The importance of KPIs: defining and measuring employee success
Key Performance Indicators, or ‘KPIs’, are a common tool used to manage employees, but unfortunately, they often get a bad rap from both managers and workers.
How to dismiss an employee for poor performance, and are there alternatives?
When the performance, conduct, and achievements of your employees dictate the success of your business, you need to ensure that they’re doing their best work.
Ending employment during parental leave
The decision to make an employee redundant can be stressful, and it can get even more complex if it happens while an employee is on parental leave.
Do employers need to provide leave for religious and cultural holidays?
Workplaces across Australia celebrate their diversity and significant cultural differences, however, not all religious and cultural holidays are recognised as public holidays in Australia.
Terminating employment: a guide for employers – Part 1
For most employers, facing the prospect of terminating an employee’s employment is often, unfortunately, an inevitable part of an employment relationship and can be awkward, emotional, and risky if not …
Terminating employment: a guide for employers – Part 2
In this follow-up article, we talk about the risks of unfair dismissal and the importance of why you should always have Citation HR’s number in your back pocket.
When is unpaid work lawful?
With increasing financial and economic uncertainty ahead, it might be tempting for employers to engage workers on a “volunteer” or “internship” basis to cut costs.